Xhorse  Eagle - Lark Remote Key Generating Chip Reading and Writing Mini Key Handheld Copying Device

Xhorse Eagle - Lark Remote Key Generating Chip Reading and Writing Mini Key Handheld Copying Device

Cloud Skylark Mobile - Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Mini, ultra-fast startup and reading, supports remote and chip programming, features remote cloning, transponder cloning, compatible with future updates, suitable for various car brands. Xhorse, leveraging its rich experience and innovative technology, has introduced a new generation of remote sub-generator copying device. This instrument, not only lightweight (300g) but also highly functional, is designed to meet the needs of automotive
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Manufacturer Xhorse 
Category Key Programming Tool
Status New
classification Remote control drone creates a cloning device
Responder cloning Support cloning of responders such as 46, 42, 4D, 4E, 11, 33, 8C, 83.
Remote cloning HCS/Fixed code cloning, supports non-HCS, supports editing of fixed codes for PT22XX, LX918, HT6P20, VD5026, AX5326, HT12X.
weight 3500g
Frequency testing Supports 300-450MHz.

1. Product Information

  • Manufacturer: Xhorse
  • Category: Key Programming Tool
  • Status: New
  • Weight: 300g
  • Classification: Remote Sub-generator Copying Device
  • Frequency Testing: Supports power testing in the range of 300-450MHz.
  • Transponder Cloning: Supports cloning of 46, 42, 4D, 4E, 11, 33, 8C, 83 transponders, and TP transponders and special transponders for over 700 vehicle models, effectively reducing transponder inventory.

2. Features 

  • Ultra-fast Start-up: Rapid chip reading and frequency testing, with a testing distance of up to 30 cm. Features a Bluetooth-based mobile application, offering random sending in red, green, and orange colors, with comprehensive functionality.
  • Supports Remote Cloning: Supports remote cloning, remote generation, garage remote power generation, transponder cloning, transponder generation, frequency testing, remote renewal, IC/ID cloning, and special features. Capable of cloning ID4C/4D, 46, ID70, ID72, and is compatible with future updates for generating remote controls for multiple car brands.
  • Remote Cloning: Supports 128 brands and over 2000 vehicle models. Features HCS/Fixed code cloning, supports non-HCS rolling code cloning, and editing of fixed codes for PT22XX, LX918, HT6P20, VD5026, AX5326, and HT12X.

3. Highlights and Innovations

  • Remote Renewal: Supports remote renewal, ignition coil signal detection, Toyota smart key unlocking, VVDI smart key cloning, VVDI super transponder, Honda motorcycle key updates, and ID/IC cloning.
  • VVDI Mini Key Tool: Can generate and copy remotes and chips in conjunction with a smartphone, easy to use, and a perfect alternative to the Xhorse VVDI Key tool.
  • Remote and Chip Programming: Integrates most existing mainstream remote and chip data, generating richer and more comprehensive key images, transponder types, key blanks, and remote matching data.

4. Target Users

  • Target Users: Auto locksmiths, automotive repair professionals, automotive modifiers.

Tags Automotive Professional Tools RemoteCopying #TransponderProgramming #XhorseInnovation #SmartKeys #RemoteCloning #FastStartUp #BluetoothSupport #MultiFunctionAllInOne #EssentialForAutoRepair # LightweightDesign #EfficientAndConvenient AdvancedAutomotiveService

Manufacturer Xhorse 
Category Key Programming Tool
Status New
classification Remote control drone creates a cloning device
Responder cloning Support cloning of responders such as 46, 42, 4D, 4E, 11, 33, 8C, 83.
Remote cloning HCS/Fixed code cloning, supports non-HCS, supports editing of fixed codes for PT22XX, LX918, HT6P20, VD5026, AX5326, HT12X.
weight 3500g
Frequency testing Supports 300-450MHz.



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