acdpmaster-ACDP Universal BMW FEM/BDC Programming Clip
acdpmaster-ACDP Universal BMW FEM/BDC Programming Clip
acdpmaster-ACDP Universal BMW FEM/BDC Programming Clip
acdpmaster-ACDP Universal BMW FEM/BDC Programming Clip

acdpmaster-ACDP Universal BMW FEM/BDC Programming Clip

acdpmaster ACDP Add-on Adapter - Designed specifically for automotive locksmiths, supporting a wide range of vehicle models and modules, with unique ICP and OBP modes for reliable performance. acdpmaster: Quick and secure clamping, no need for precise alignment; avoids the common issues of misalignment and slipping associated with ordinary chip clips, and is unaffected by the thickness of paint on the chip, easily solving the de-clamping proble
  • Product Code:AQCT0509
  • Availability:In Stock
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Manufacturer acdpmaster ACDP
Category Additional Adapter
Status New
weight 225g
Supported devices 93, 24, 25, 35, 95 series EEPROM in-system programming

1.Product Information

  • Manufacturer:Advantec ACDP
  • Status: New
  • Category: Additional Adapter
  • Weight: 225g
  • Supports 93/24/25/35/95 series EEPROM online programming
  • Reads and writes ISN codes: N20 (MEVD1724, MEVD172P, MEVD1729), N13 (MEVD1725), N55 (MEVD172, MEVD1726, MEVD172G, MEVD172S, MEVD17), MSV80, MSD81, MS085, MSD85HY, MSD87, MSV90, MEVD1728 (s63), MEV1722, MED172, MEVD1727, DDE701, DC17C50, BMSX…


  • CAS1-CAS3+ Module: Reads and writes CAS EEPROM via OBD, adds keys, resets mileage, backs up or restores CAS, handles all key losses.
  • CAS4/CAS4+ Module: Reads CAS4 EEPROM, adds keys, resets mileage, backs up or restores CAS, handles all key losses, without welding.
  • FEM/BDC Module: Adds keys, deletes keys, enables/disables keys, handles all key losses, without welding.
  • ACDP Android APP: New feature that identifies the vehicle’s engine, transmission, and IMMO system information by uploading a VIN image.

3. Innovation Highlights

  • In-Circuit Programming (ICP) and On-Board Programming (OBP): Supports Freescale/NEC MCU components (ICP). It allows programming of CAS1 to CAS3+ IMMO keys, mileage reset, reading and writing EEPROM and FLASH data via OBD or ICP mode.
  • CAS4/CAS4+ IMMO Key Programming: Supports online programming (ICP), mileage reset, reading and writing EEPROM and FLASH data.
  • FEM/BDC IMMO Key Programming: Supports programming of FEM/BDC IMMO keys, mileage reset, and data backup/recovery via ICP or OBP mode.
  • Identifies BMW IMMO System Type (CAS or FEM): Reads the engine ISN code even when all keys are lost. If unsure whether Mini ACDP is suitable for 2017 BMW 5 Series key programming, the required module can be determined through VIN query.

4.Usage Scenarios

  • Reads and writes N20/N55/N13 ISN codes via OBD. Reads and writes MSV80/MSD85 ISN codes without opening the DME shell. Reads and writes other DME ISN codes by opening the DME shell.
  • ACDP Module 1: Adds the function of reading and writing BMW CAS3, CAS3+, and CAS3++ DME ISN codes (replacing the DME) and reads/writes BMW CAS4/CAS4+ 9s12xdp512/9s12xep100 via OBD in quick mode. Supports updating BMW CAS1 data to CAS4.
  • Supports BMW CAS4/CAS4+ IMMO programming and odometer correction via OBD, as well as enabling/disabling E-rack CAS1 to CAS2, CAS3 keys via OBD.
  • Reads Key ID: Facilitates FEM module repair/replacement without welding, and mileage reset without welding.

5.Target Audience

  • Automotive repair professionals Automotive enthusiasts and modifiers

Tags acdpmaster ACDP Add-on Adapter Automotive Locksmith Automotive Repair Automotive Modification Online Programming EEPROM ISN Code Read/Write CAS1-CAS3+ CAS4/CAS4+ FEM/BDC ICP OBP OBD

Manufacturer acdpmaster ACDP
Category Additional Adapter
Status New
weight 225g
Supported devices 93, 24, 25, 35, 95 series EEPROM in-system programming



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